SJH provides comprehensive utility services, including the relocation of gas lines, water mains, electrical appurtenances, stormwater systems, drainage systems, sewers, cables, and telephone conduits. Additionally, we facilitate utility agreements with service providers and coordinate with utility companies, as well as state and local government agencies.
Hydraulics and Hydrology involve analysis and permitting, particularly for projects where structures cross waterways. SJH utilizes HEC-RAS analysis to analyze the impacts of changes in hydraulic openings to check that there are no adverse impacts on either the upstream or downstream sides of the waterway. Analysis may need to be performed for various flood levels such as a 100-year or 500-year flood. SJH can perform stormwater drainage designs so adequate drainage is available on roadways and other impermeable surfaces.
SJH has extensive experience in stormwater management, sediment and erosion control, as well as the design, construction supervision, management, maintenance, and operations of stormwater distribution systems, collection systems, and pump stations. We are also proficient in designing drainage control structures and detention basins. Our services include:
- Delineate drainage area and determine stormwater runoff rates
- Evaluate topography and hydraulic capacity of storm sewer systems and channel stability of the receiving channel where appropriate
- Evaluate issues and develop alternate solutions