Rt 206
SJH provided the final design for the $13M Route 206, Pines Road to CR 521 (Montague River Road) with varied shoulders in each direction. This section of Route 206 is classified as a Rural Principal Arterial and currently has a two-way ADT of 22,000 VPD. The existing pavement was generally in poor to fair condition. The main pavement distresses within the composite pavement areas are reflection cracking, top-down cracking, raveling, and fatigue cracking in the widened areas of the lanes. There are four signalized intersections and one signalized emergency firehouse access, eleven structures, and no interchanges within the project limits. The are also numerous environmentally sensitive areas such as stream crossings, State Forests, and National Parks Services lands within the project limits.
This award-winning project involved 4-inch milling and 4-inch overlay of the existing pavement and upgrading pedestrian-related features such as curb ramps, crosswalks, and signalized intersections to meet current American with Disabilities Act standards. Incidental roadway work included upgrading substandard guide rails, installation of Raised Pavement Markers, and centerline rumble strips as indicated in the Limited Scope Concept Development Report. and milling and overlay for all the structures which have asphalt overlay within the project limits.
SJH provided contract plans, including construction plans, typical sections, environmental, soil erosion and sediment control plans, ties, traffic control and staging plans, traffic signing and striping plans, construction details, cost estimates, construction specifications, and construction schedule in compliance with NJDOT and federal regulations. SJH prepared Jurisdictional Limit Maps to delineate the County and State jurisdictional limits and was involved in revocation of access plans as well. There was extensive utility coordination with JCP&L, CenturyLink, and curb ramp design and MUTCD compliant traffic signal upgrades within the project limits.