Philly School District
The School District’s Office of Capital Programs (OCP) is responsible for identifying and prioritizing capital work within the School District, including maintaining the physical integrity of existing facilities, constructing new buildings, and renovating existing facilities to accommodate the educational needs of the District. The OCP shares responsibility for the long-term upkeep and replacement of critical building systems over 25.6 million square feet, including 494 buildings, annexes, administrative buildings and athletic fields, and other School District offices. The District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) priorities include constructing new facilities and additions, renovation of existing facilities, life-cycle replacements and maintaining the physical integrity of existing buildings to meet code requirements and educational programming needs. Under this three-year term contract, SJH is a subconsultant to JMT to provide engineering services on an as needed basis.
3rd Party Peer Review Services for Central High School Site Improvements and Performing Arts Center, Philadelphia, PA
Central High School in the City of Philadelphia is located in the area of Olney at the northern part of the City. A campus master plan was recently developed for the Central High School, which included the concept design for a Performing Arts Center and the associated site around the center. The design development of this Performing Arts Center is in the process of being progressed in two phases; Phase I – Site Development, and Phase II- Building Design. The site development includes a parking lot, associated roadways, and related amenities. The Performing Arts Center Building consists of a theater at the center, with several wings of classrooms and offices flanking the theater. The building is a three-story structure. ADA access facilities are provided at every level.
SJH is providing third party peer review of all design documents, in the Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing disciplines. The initial submission was reviewed and SJH provided comments on that submission. The review included site / civil work and the building related disciplines, such as structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing. The review included checking for conformance with the design criteria, the current applicable codes such as the International Building Code and the National Fire Protection Code, and the scope identified in the approved Master Plan. The comments were discussed and resolved at a meeting at the School District office, and the design is being progressed.
The work under this task will continue and SJH will review and provide comments on the documents at each of the next milestone submissions.