Bridge Deck Repairs
Contract No. T100.257 associated with the New Jersey Turnpike’s 2014 Southern Turnpike Bridge Repairs and Resurfacing Program and included visual inspection of the top and underside of deck at approximately 15 bridges on or over the New Jersey Turnpike between Milepost 0 and 83 including the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension (PHMTE). This contract also included the New Jersey Turnpike’s 2014 Miscellaneous Structural Repair Program and includes hands on inspection of substructure bridge elements at bridge piers, and abutments at approximately 22 bridges on or over the New Jersey Turnpike between Mileposts 0 and 122 and the NBHCE and PHMTE.
SJH was involved the in depth inspection, prioritization and development of contract documents for the repair and resurfacing of bridge decks in Salem, Gloucester, Camden, Burlington, Middlesex, Hudson and Essex counties on the New Jersey Turnpike. Drawings included Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) and staging details. Estimated construction cost is $10 million.